Friday, October 12, 2012

Book Review: Fearless Swimming For Triathletes

I purchased Fearless Swimming for Triathletes: Improve Your Open Water Skills thinking that it would contain tips and tricks for open water swim and thought I'd read it before I start my swim lessons in case there are any habits I should develop early while still in the pool.

It was a quick read - I completed it in an evening, but I should have read it much faster, by skipping the whole first section and starting on page 82. If you don't already have a fear associated with open swim (sharks, cold water, deep water, dying, etc, etc, etc) and don't particularly want one, SKIP THE FIRST SECTION!

While the title really should have warned me that the book would be about getting over fears, I guess I assumed it would be tips to not be timid or nervous, not tricks to get over all out panic, including a run down of every reason you could be panicked.

I think I have more anxiety about the swim now than I did before I read the book!

There was some helpful information in the second section, but probably not anything you couldn't find on a website.

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